Wasabi Wallet - Bitcoin Privacy Control

Simplify your Bitcoin privacy control with Wasabi Wallet. Securely access your wallet and safeguard your financial anonymity

Wasabi Wallet - Simplified Bitcoin Privacy Control

Enhanced Bitcoin Privacy

Wasabi Wallet empowers you with advanced tools to take control of your Bitcoin privacy. It provides simplified yet powerful features to enhance your financial privacy.

CoinJoin Technology

Wasabi Wallet incorporates CoinJoin, a privacy protocol that mixes your Bitcoin with other users' coins, making it difficult to trace your transactions.

Integrated Tor Anonymity

The wallet integrates with the Tor network to ensure your IP address remains hidden when using the software, adding an extra layer of privacy.

User-Friendly Interface

Wasabi Wallet is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced Bitcoin users.

Labeling and Coin Control

Effortlessly label your transactions and exercise precise control over which Bitcoin is used in each transaction, enhancing your financial privacy.

Secure and Open Source

The wallet is open source and subject to regular security audits, ensuring your funds and privacy are well protected.

Privacy-Focused Community

Join a community of like-minded individuals who prioritize privacy and learn more about securing your financial transactions.

In summary, Wasabi Wallet is your simplified tool for enhancing Bitcoin privacy control, utilizing CoinJoin technology and Tor integration. Whether you're new to Bitcoin or an experienced user, it offers user-friendly features, labeling, and coin control to keep your financial transactions private and secure.

Last updated